
Sunday, 6 September 2009

There's always something new to learn.......................

As you may have noticed I have a new header picture today.

That's right I finally learned how to create a mosaic (collage) using Picasa and Susan's tutorial @ BNOTP, big thanks to Susan!!

Last week for Smiling Sally's Blue Monday extravaganza I shared a building site with you, boring.

This week as promised I have something prettier for your enjoyment, a blue, Quimper faïence, mosaic.
Double click on the mosaic for a better look at the individual items.

Let's share it also with Mary @ Little Red House.

Do pop in to visit both these ladies for their Mosaic & Blue Monday parties.

To find out more about this wonderful pottery from Brittany, France, click on these links: Quimper Club International Blog and QCI Web site.

à bien tôt


  1. Absolutely beautiful, Maggie. I think you are having as much fun with this as I am! Love the china!

  2. I've got to find out how to do that !

  3. Beautiful mosaic of the most wonderful quimper china.
    Have a nice day

  4. I love your header mosaic. Also the Monday mosaic with the china is charming.

    As we all find out " you are never too old to learn" I have learnt over the weekend how to add my signature at the end of the blog, thanks to Bill at Affordable Accoutrements

    Also we are all learning from each other through our blogs which is really great!!

    Have a good day, Jackie.

  5. What beautiful Quimper. I, too, have a learning curve -- turning my PC in for a Mac -- but it is good to learn new things!

    Your mosaic is beautiful!

  6. Beautiful Maggie, love the Quimper and your header!

  7. Although I appreciate the effort that goes into a mosaic, I'd like to see each item individually as they are all soooo beautiful. Happy Labor Day! Happy Blue Monday.

  8. Your mosaic header is beautiful!!! It reminds me of our trip there last year (ahh..memories!!) You've inspired me to try and give the mosaic thing a try. Thanks!!
    I haven't forgotten about sending you a tutorial on how I created my altered bottles...I was gone on a business trip most of last week and am finally getting caught up. I'll send some info. later today.

  9. Your collage and the china is just beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing it with us today. I hope you're having a great Blue Monday.

  10. You truly have a lovely china collection. Something to be proud of and pass on down. Your header is fine, but I like one big scene.

  11. that is very pretty dish I love that hue of blue

  12. So pretty, what a talent and you are so creative. Happy blue monday to you

  13. Now I must say that is an elegant mosaic. I love it. I also love your header. It is beautiful.

  14. Oh, be still my heart! That is the most gorgeous collection of dishes I've seen this side of a museum. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely images at Mosaic Monday. :)

  15. I love Quimper...this is beautiful.

  16. Such a gorgeous collection of china in your beautiful mosaic. When I first opened up your blog I wanted to stay a while and look around. Lovely blog.


  17. Maggie, these are some of the most wonderful Q pieces. Each one is amazing and your mosaic is amazing. Just lovely! Thanks for sharing. I'm late with the QCI blog for a late Blue Monday post, but Happy Blue Monday! ~ Sarah

  18. This looks like an expensive collection. They are really special pieces.


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