
Friday, 22 June 2012

photo du jour - pink birthday bouquet

“Lean forward into your life...catch the best bits and the finest wind. 
Just tip your feathers in flight a wee bit and
 see how dramatically that small lean can change your life.” 

Sharing my beautiful pink birthday bouquet with 

and all her Pink Saturday guests.

These photos were taken by the SP using our ipad, afterwards he "sketched" the flowers for me,
isn't it lovely?


  1. How lovely and the sketch is beautiful. Many happy returns of the day.

  2. Happy Birthday, Maggie. What a beautiful bouquet. Enjoy your weekend. Hope it's sunny like it is here today. xo Jenny

  3. Happy happy birthday/pinkday! Lovely flowers.

  4. What a special bouquet for your birthday. Thank you for sharing that beautiful quote and your husband's creativity. It makes me want to try the sketch feature when I have a few spare minutes.

  5. Your birthday bouquet is stunning, but what really made me stop and pause was the quotation you included. I have already written it into my journal. Thank you for sharing.

  6. That is a truly stunning bouquet!!

  7. It is all so nice looking dainty and cozy
    Happy PS

  8. So beautiful!

    Visiting for Pink Saturday- hope you can stop by..

  9. Happy Pink Saturday and thank you for having stopped by and for leaving me a note. I love your bouquet. I had one of those "scriggly" pink things come up on its own one time and didn't know what it was. Every year it returned and was awesome to watch grow and wonder what it was. It was red and not so glossy - but awesome nonetheless.

    Some great quotes on your post too!

    Thanks, Jenn

  10. Maggie, the SP did a good job. The bouquet is gorgeous! ;-)


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!