
Monday, 12 August 2013

2013 SPSH - Item # 7 - a sign.

A 2 minute drive in the car will bring you to our local "mom & pop" store
Like most m & p stores they seem to be always open, even on Holidays & Saint's Days.
They work hard.
They sell almost everything you could wish for in a general store, the SP likes to say "everything from 6 inch nails to fillet steak".
Freshly baked bread and croissants are delivered every day around 8.20 and are usually sold out by 10.00.
Gasoil and benzine for your car, gas canisters for your cooker and logs for your wood burning stoves are all available, too.
At the side of the store is a small Bar where locals often drop in for a cafe & calv.
Strong black coffee with a glass of Calvados (apple brandy) on the side.

As we like to say in the UK "it does what it says on the tin"
or in this case on the sign which always makes me smile.

2013 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 
Item #7. A sign that is either intentionally, or unintentionally, funny.


  1. I'd love to have a shop like that nearby. The memory of fresh bread every morning comes back - in our first year in Germany The Great Dane and I each gained a shameful amount of weight due to the every-morning delivery of fresh 'brodchen'.
    I could go for coffee and calvados!

  2. Great photo. Having lived in Montreal all my life I am very accustomed to seeing French signs...and I am fluent in French.

  3. I was going to ask you what gazole was but you told us! It's quite charming!

  4. those are the kind of shops I like. Lovely sign post.
    Have a nice week Maggie.

  5. And I've been there! ;-) You forgot to mention the goats. ~ Sarah

  6. Those kind of shops are homey places around which life revolves. There's nothing like around here.
    Great sign.

  7. Signs reveal the heart of the countryside. Love it.


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!