
Friday, 8 August 2014

Personal Photo Challenge - August. Animals.

Despite having my camera with me wherever I went last month I encountered just four types of animals.
Dogs, M'mselle Fleur our beautiful German Shepherd is always nearby and has featured on this blog many times. We often see horses in the fields when out for a walk. Sheep.......I know! I can hear you saying "not sheep again".
And, of course Normandy cows.

Our home is almost completely surrounded by cows.

They have taken up residence in the fields to the left, to the right and behind us.

I took these photographs through the open bedroom window and then played with them in Picmonkey.
A gentle bucolic scene that I never tire of.
bon weekend a tous.

hosted by Donna @ Cottage Days and Journeys.


  1. Such a nice view to have from your bedroom!

  2. Ah, I recall that view with much fondness. In fact, I've a few favorite photos of my own, taken form the bedroom window. '-)
    Happy Weekend to you!

  3. Mooooo!! I love cows and wouldn't mind having a few outside my window - yours are so pretty Maggie - and I bet they supply a lot of those wonderful dairy products Normandy is known for!

    Nice photos and I like the PicMonkey edits.

    Happy weekend - Mary

  4. What a lovely setting to live in, and how great to have cows within view. It's nice to meet you through this photo challenge.
    Best, Sharon

  5. Cows are a lovely change from cats and dogs Maggie!
    You did a great job with Picmonkey.

    Where my daughter lives in France it's all crop farming - no animals. Strange for me living in New Zealand which has so many, sheep, beef and dairy cows!

    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Hi Maggie, Calling by from the APPC today, love your cattle very different to the ones here in Wales!

  7. What a nice view to have from a window :)

  8. I like cow. And I like sheep. I especially like to see them in beautiful country settings. My husband, an old farm kid still at heart, wants sheep. What is he thinking? You have the perfect bedroom view.

  9. what a pretty cow it is! :) you live in a beautiful place!

  10. Yes, those would be scenes very easy to become accustomed to...nothing like pastoral views.

  11. Thank you for joining us this month, Maggie! I am delighted to have a participant from France. And what a treat for us to see those beautiful cows in the picturesque countryside!

  12. What a wonderful place to live! Love the shots of the cow...well done!

  13. What a nice view from your window.

  14. I love your special effects! Great photos for the challenge! Hugs!

  15. How lovely to snap these shots from the comfort of your home. The mottled black and white cow is so photogenic. A peaceful view.

  16. Your are lucky to have such a view, thanks for sharing it with us. This variety of cow is new to me, nice colouring.

  17. Oh to wake up to that view!!!! Great shots...I love cows and horses in the fields! Great shots! Thanks for posting!

  18. I like the second shot alot, well done!

  19. Love your photos! How lucky you are to have these wonderful views from the comfort of your home. I am not familiar with this breed of cow- lovely coloring. I hope you'll join us each month for the Challenge...

  20. Uma simpatica vaca, uma paisagem muito gostosa e você colocou tudo nas suas fotos. Gostei muito! Parabéns!
    Um abraço!
    A sympathetic cow, a very hot landscape and you put everything in your photos. I really enjoyed! Congratulations!

  21. Love, love, love that spotted cow -- I don't think I've ever seen one quite like it before!


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