
Wednesday, 19 May 2010

R is for Reiki.

Time for Mrs Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday lesson and I'm so happy that this week the letter to discuss is "R".
For me R means Reiki.
What is Reiki?

Reiki is universal energy, and is accessible to all, regardless of belief, age, colour, or creed.

Reiki is holistic healing, working on mind, body and spirit.
Reiki can do no harm, it is always working for the higher good.

What does the word and symbol Reiki mean?
Loosely translated Reiki means "the free flow of universal life force energy".

In Japanese Rei means spirit, ghost, soul or spiritual conciousness, it can also be interpreted as free passage, universal and ever present.

Ki means life force energy.

Reiki as we know it today was rediscovered towards the end of the 19th century by a Japanese Doctor: Dr. Mikao Usui, and is based on the teachings of centuries old Sanskrit Sutras found in a Zen monastery in Tibet.

Dr. Usui dedicated the rest of his life to healing and teaching Reiki and was decorated for this by the Emperor of Japan. He died in the early 1930's, and his teachings were eventually brought to the West by Madam Hawayo Takato.

The 5 Reiki Principles:

Just for today, I will not worry.

Just for today, I will not anger.
Just for today, I will honour all living things.

Just for today, I will earn my living honestly.
Just for today, I will live an attitude of gratitude and show kindness to all things.

After a relaxing Reiki treatment walk slowly to Jenny's and enjoy all the great blogs gathered there this morning.


  1. Having benefited from Reiki, all I can say is - true, true, true.
    Reiki practitioner, gardener, Quimper are certainly well-rounded!

  2. What great things to live by!

  3. sounds like would could all use a little Reikee (did I spell that right) wonderful principals to live by.

  4. Maggie,

    I was just writing you a comment and it disappeared so I hope there is not a double post.

    You, my friend, are an amazing woman! What wonderful words to live by.

    have a great day! The Bloggers Quilt show starts tomorrow.


  5. Good Morning!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.
    I really enjoyed your post on Reiki. I am going to tell my best bud to hop onto your site and read it as well.
    Have a blessed day,

  6. Terrific thoughts Maggie, great post!

  7. Maggie, beautiful post. I feel calm and serene just having taken in your words and your lovely photos which perfectly portray the essence of which you speak. I try to live by those daily principles as well.
    Remarkable R, my friend! ~ Sarah

  8. sounds like a great philosophy :D

  9. What a great Reiki post Maggie. A friend of mine does reiki and she is real good at it . After reading this I am going to learn more about it. thank you for sharing. Have a good evening

  10. Thank you for nice memories of Reiki. Our former ministers were practitioners. We miss their healing ways.

    I see you like Fannie Flagg. Love her. She reminds me of my southern roots.


  11. i could use some Reiki right about now ... it is wonderful ... and some practitioners have incredible energy ... wonderful r post!

  12. I love those five principles. The world be a better place if everybody did them. Great and interesting R post. Thanks for sharing it.

  13. Hi Maggie,

    Love the 5 principles. We could all use a little more of that.

    big hugs,

  14. I had never heard of Reiki before your post, but am a huge fan now! If we all lived with those five things in mind everyone would be so much better off.

  15. Wonderful choice for R. What great principals to live by. I really like "just for today". What a lovely concept. Kathy

  16. Good Morning Maggie,

    That post does make one want to relax. What a perfect way to live daily!

    Thanks for sharing it with us today and thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit. We love having company!

  17. Reiki is something I've only heard about so I appreciate the explanation. The principles make very good sense and I believe the world would be a better place if we all could be kind and live with purpose and compassion. Thanks Maggie - your posts are varried and I learn something each time I visit.

  18. I only learned about Reiki recently. For something so ubiquitous, I wonder why it took so long!

  19. Thank you for teaching me something I did not know. I've never been sure what Reiki referred to. The five principles are universally applicable, aren't they?

  20. I have never heard of Reiki before. How interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I have a friend who is a practitioner and who swears by it.......

  22. Thanks for letting me know about the technical glitch - I tried again and had no luck. I just figured out how ot do this yesterday so was proud of the fact it was working and then two wouldn't load. I'm going on a brief trip so will work on it when I get back. I od love your blog! Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for all your comments,

  23. I like the idea of living life one day at a time. We are all too keen to rush ahead of ourselves> Thanks for a thought provoking post :)

  24. Maggie, I loved this post.

    I have also benefited from Reiki and it was a real eye-opener to me. I believe so many of the ancient philosophies and healings can help us all.

    This was a fascinating stop on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "R"!

    You are a wonder.

    Thank you.



Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!