
Tuesday, 18 May 2010

White Wednesday in Normandy.

Wherever my eye rests in the garden at the moment I see white blossoms fit for a bride.
Last years sickly, white clematis is making a healthy comeback against the ancient stone wall which surrounds the garden.
Pittosporum tenuifolium Irene Paterson below came home from the garden centre with me last week.

Not to be outdone, Mother Nature provides beautiful white hawthorn flowers to perfume the garden......... and sprinkles delicate wildflowers along the lanes.

I'm linking this post to Kathleen's weekly meme White Wednesday @ Faded Charm where you will find a wonderful selection of whites to please your eye.


  1. Hi Maggie...

    My friend, your flowers are gorgeous! Ohhh yes, I certainly can see a beautiful brides bouquet created out of some of your white flowers! How very lovely...thank you for sharing your garden with us!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  2. Maggie,

    Beautiful flowers. I love clematis. I have had hawthorne trees but mine never had any fragrance - just beautiful flowers.

    Have a great day my friend.


  3. Gorgeous flowers Maggie! Visiting France is a long time dream of ours. Although with a family of six, it can be so costly. Any tips for France on a budget? I'd love to hear them!

  4. I love white against the dark of the foliage - lovely white Wednesday!

  5. Hi Maggie,

    We have pittosporum here, too, but it must be a different variety because it doesn't even come close to what you have there. Your garden must be beautiful in the moonlight with all those beautiful white blossoms...


  6. Good Morning Maggie, At least it's morning here ha ha!! Love seeing all your beautiful white flowers girl...Your place is just glad you stopped by so I could visit with you...Oh I see my Sister Chari was here ha ha!! May you have a great day on your side of the world my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  7. Maggie, love your white flowers. One plant I have never been very successful with is clematis. I see it growing in other gardens in abundance, and do what I'm told, but it doesn't do well for me. Yours is gorgeous!

  8. Each of them is so beautiful! I love the ones at the bottom that look like tiny little daisies.

  9. Very, very pretty dear Maggie. I can almost smell them!

  10. Oh my sweetness your flowers are beautiful! Love it during bloom time. Thank you for visiting me,

  11. Such gorgeous white blooms maggie. Nature is good for us.

  12. oh what pretty photos ... just lovely!

  13. Beautiful white blooms, just lovely. I love the glow of white flowers at dusk, just as twilight falls. SO peaceful and pretty.

  14. Beautiful flowers! I love the hawthorn it looks gorgeous!

  15. Hi Maggie...what super gorgeous white blooms..charming and beautiful! So lush and pretty! Happy White Wednesday..lovely to meet you..thanks for your sweet words today!

  16. Hi Maggie,
    All of the white flowers are just beautiful! I love the contrast of the white clematis against the stone wall.
    Thanks for stopping by and checking on me, I really appreciate it. I was away from blogging for too long and really missed my computer time.
    Have I told you that my husband, son and I are going to be visiting friends in England this summer? They live in Cambridge. We are planning a short trip to Paris while we are there. We are counting down the days!!
    Take care.

  17. Maggie, love seeing all your beautiful blooms. I think white flowers are the best in the landscape because they sparkle even in the dark of night. My gardenia tree was in all its glory this week. Sadly the blooms are now all brown. It was a fleeting show of color.

  18. Beautiful flowers. Dropping by from White Wednesday; Tailored Kitchen.


  19. oh, your garden looks gorgeous!!!

  20. Beautiful white flowers. Enjoy!



Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!