
Friday, 1 July 2011

Debbiedoos "Magazine Copycat Challenge"

Today Debbidoo is hosting a Magazine Copycat Challenge party.
I read about it on Ricki Jill's blog Art@Home  this morning and it sounded like fun.

As chance would have it the July issue of one of my favourite decorating journals, Campagne Decoration, had just arrived and as I leafed through the pages I found my inspiration for the challenge.

I took a vintage French enamelware utensil rack, threaded it with garden twine (supplied by Sean The Gardener) and hung it on a sunny wall in the garden.
I found three small plant pots sitting beneath my potting table, took three marigold plants from an urn at the front of the house and voila!

My Campagne Decoration Magazine Copycat shot.
Click here to see more copycats and maybe join in the fun.

Linking this post also to
Inspiration Friday with Heather and Vanessa @ At The Picket Fence
Seasonal Sundays with The Tablescaper
Mary's Mosaic Monday @the little red house.


  1. You Rock Maggie. I love love love it. So very frenchy and fun. So glad you joined in. I will be doing this again in the future, I am thinking a monthly challenge.

  2. What a pretty idea. I have one of those old racks in a box in the garage - blue Danish enamel if I remember correctly. Just need a sunny wall.........

  3. Wow, this is fantastic, Maggie! :D This is a fantastic way to utilize an old utensil rack. By the way, I like yours better! Thanks so much for participating. Your photos look great!

    Ricki Jill

  4. Maggie,
    What a neat idea. I shall have to visit and see what others have done!

    Thanks for stopping by.


  5. Love this Maggie! What a great copycat! So beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us at Inspiration Friday.


  6. Excellent!!

    Thank you for your commenton my blog, we appreciated the help you a droger gave us with places to visit. Madelief
    is going to visit the Dior house and garden soon on a trip to Normandy from Holland.

    Have a good weekend, Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  7. Wow, this is so gorgeous! I like it better than the magazine one!

  8. Now that is a fun challenge. I like your version much more than the one in the magazine.
    My stuff would be the "before" picture in a makeover piece. LOL.

  9. So pretty! What a great way to reuse a utilitarian piece! Your marigolds are so vibrant, too. Love your copycat even better than the original. Thanks for sharing.

  10. So charming! Love it. Thank you for stopping by my little blog today :)

  11. Yours is so much prettier - love the bright marigolds.

    This is my favorite magazine of all I subscribe to - of course I have trouble reading some of it but the homes and they show are so beautiful, and of course just my style! Only just received the May/June issue - apparently a problem with the French mail service - so not sure how long I have to wait for this July issue!

    Happy weekend Maggie dear.

  12. Maggie, it looks perfect! You even have a stone wall that matches! This magazine copycat thing sounds like fun. I'll have to try it sometime.

  13. I think yours is far better!

  14. What a great idea! I love the use of the utensil rack to hold plants. And the plants you chose are so lovely! ~Michelle

  15. Well done! The perfect magazine copycat ... maybe even better!!!!

  16. That is fabulous.. I love the piece and with your touches it's even more fab! Happy fourth, many blessings, marlis

  17. This is so pretty, Maggie. The copycopy of the original is even better, in my opinion!

  18. You really conquered that challenge! It looks great. Nancy

  19. Very charming! Just love it. Pretty mosaic too. Have a nice week.

  20. Very clever Maggie and so colourful and charming! I also like your more:)


  21. Normandy must have the friendliest people in the world. My husband and I met a couple on a cruise, and we got to know this couple who have a house in Normandy, and they have kindly invited us over.You sound just as friendly, Maggie.

  22. I love your new pot plant rack - what a wonderful idea to brighten up a bare wall. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week.

  23. Wow great copy. I haven't seen a rack like that. Lucky you to have one hanging around :-)

  24. Love your copycat! What a great idea you did, and beautiful too!

  25. That looks so pretty Maggie. I love this idea! Thanks for the inspiration. Now I just have to find one of those neat old racks! laurie

  26. Great idea and great job! Thanks for sharing your little project with Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  27. 2 cute! I have to say though I like yours better!!!


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!