Thursday, 12 June 2008

9/11 Exhibit at the Peace Memorial in Caen

Last weekend we visited the Peace Memorial Museum in Caen to view the 9/11 exhibit which opened on the 6th June 2008 to coincide with the D Day Landing Anniversary.

It was very moving and I have created a Kodak Gallery to show the photographs which I took of the exhibit.

If you wish to see it email me for a link to the site.

a bientot

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

and after

So here's what the potager looks like now.

Potager before

The weather this past week has been appalling!!
Thunderstorms on Wednesday took out our internet connection so life was even quieter than usual.
Between the showers I continued to work in the potager which is coming along in leaps and bounds.
These pix were taken before anything was planted, it looks a lot different now.
a bientot