Tuesday, 30 June 2009

News from the potager

Some of you may remember from a post last year that a few years ago a pair of moorhens decided to make their home on the small pond next to the potager.
This year they produced just the one chick but it is growing well thanks to non stop feeding from the doting parent.
I feed them stale bread every morning, papa moorhen comes to the door & squawks until I go out.
Today I watched as he & the chick walked along the top of the garden wall, a first for the youngster.
6 times papa brought bread to the chick and 6 times the little beggar dropped it over the side into the field.
What a patient parent!
The vegetable garden is coming along well this year, the potatoes are great and may well take over the plot!
Thanks Sean!

We should be having blueberries with everything quite soon and the haricot beans are just beginning to flower which bodes well for later next month.

Courgettes are looking sickly (no idea why) but the bettraves (beets) are doing well after a shaky start.
We need rain!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Au revoir Darling Bess.

We are so sad to have to tell you that after a very short illness our darling Bess went to sleep for the very last time yesterday.

She was a very big part of our lives for almost 12 years, she leaves a hugh hole in hearts and we miss her so much already.

Here's a layout I did of her recently celebrating the stages in her life: as a 3 month old puppy, surrogate mom to 10 week old cocker spaniel Ben and as a grand old dame still guarding us, our home and the Quimper!