This morning we took a drive over to the village of Vouilly to mooch around the small Foire de Printemps, hoping to bring back some plantlets to get my potager started.
Now that the days are beginning to warm up it's time to start planting, maybe!
I came away with 25 mixed lettuce, 5 celeriac, 6 tomato seedlings, a pot of thyme and a large bag of earthy potatoes for eating, not planting.
40 potato plants went into the plot when S the G came up to wake up the potager from it's winter slumber by mulching and rotavating last week.
After stashing the plants in the car we drove by the village church and I was seized with the urge to go inside to take some photographs, to share with you all.
Imagine, if you will, getting out of the car, walking over thick, crunchy gravel and encountering the most amazing place you have seen for a very long time.
I hope these photographs allow you to experience this very special place in the same way that it moved me today.
That's enough talk, just walk with me....................................................
Mind the step, then look up.
and up.......
I wonder how many babies have been baptised in this font?
Should we sit for a while and just take it all in?
Every place that your eye rests there is something wonderful to hold your gaze.
On the floor and on the walls.
By the door there are exhibits showing how the church was restored in the 1980's. These have faded over time but I was able to make out the story behind this strange object.
It is the only remaining example of a 12th century Normandy acoustic vase, made of terracotta they were placed in the choir to improve the church's acoustics.
I really enjoyed sharing this hidden gem, tucked away in a tiny Normandy village, with you today.
We must go for a walk together again soon.
bon dimanche.......................................................