Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Fort Worth, TX.


  1. You got me there! Home, sweet home. xo Jenny

  2. Looks quite peaceful and Texan to me!

  3. Imagine if that were one's sole source of water!

  4. We used to have one of those in my community when I was growing up. I always wondered what would happen if it burst open.

  5. Oh, no, I've missed not one but two posts. Glad to catch up, Maggie. We've had some good rain here this week. So nice to hear the sound of it once again, and the garden is already smiling back. ;-)
    Funny to read these comments about the water tower. All small Texas towns have these.

  6. What brought you to Fort Worth! A spot I've never been!

  7. Hi Maggie!

    I lived just south of Fort Worth for six years and visited the stockyards many times.

    The twice daily cattle drive through the street is really fun!

    xoxo Bunny Jean


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!