Wednesday, 9 July 2014

What I Saw Today...............................

La vie quotidienne (daily life) has once again been diverting me from blogging and weeks have passed since I picked up my metaphoric pen to write.
I got to thinking, just what is it that is filling my days and keeping me away from blogland?

our daily bread, first stop before walking the dog!
Ever since the Senior Partner retired last year we certainly are doing more together "as a couple" and it was whilst I was sat in the car, waiting for him to finish an errand this morning, that the germ of an idea for a new blog post one that could possibly become a regular feature came to me.

the lambs belong to the Jacques, the shopkeeper and live in the field next to the shop
I'm calling it "What I Saw Today", (my take on something that many of the bloggers that I follow already do brilliantly) sharing our Normandy Life with my followers one photograph at a time.

On the agenda this morning was a visit to the Veterinary practice in Bayeux as M'selle Fleur has been suffering with a painful ear for a few days. Today's vet was new to us and according to the SP was a little afraid of Fleur, insisting that she be muzzled during the examination. I didn't attend but apparently Fleur took this in her stride and behaved impeccably.

the clinique equine with Bayeux Cathedral as a backdrop
85 Euro later they emerged with lotions & potions and strict dietary instructions, no more chicken for Fleur!

Back home we found our farmer neighbour had arrived to feed the cows, so I leant over the garden wall to have a chat with "les girls" as they munched away.

these girls know all the latest gossip
Whilst chatting I couldn't help but notice how well the plants and shrubs by the wall are looking after the recent rainfall.



old fashioned rose

even when the petals are gone the clematis flower head is fascinating to see
After a short potter around the garden we were off again.

This time for a walk along the riverbank before lunch in our favourite local restaurant.

On our way home I stopped to take a photograph of one of the village's WWII memorials, one that I thought my Canadian followers might enjoy seeing.

That's some of what I saw earlier today. I hope you've enjoyed seeing it as much as I've enjoyed sharing it with you and finally................ my next project - sitting on my desk - a scrap booking layout that's still a work in progress.

à bien·tôt


  1. That is a lovely idea Maggie. I love looking at other photoblogs. So nice to see what other bloggers see and like. Already this days series was filled with lovely photo,s.thank you for sharing.

  2. Lovely day, Maggie! You live with such beauty all around. Thanks for giving us a peek!

  3. Loved the post today, so nice to see what life is like in other parts of the world. Thanks for the Canadian shout out!

  4. Oh, I like seeing what you see very much!

  5. I will be very happy to read about la quotidienne in your corner of the world. How lovely to see our Canadian flag flying alongside the French one.

  6. Since I have not been to Normandy, I will quite enjoy following you around for a day. I do hope Le Fleur's eye heals.

  7. I think this is a lovely idea for a series. (I was partial to the dozing sheep under the tree!)

  8. please do more of this! I spent March and April of this year living in Houesville and I miss the area SO much!

  9. Such a sweet post, Maggie. Seeing Les Girls being fed by the farmer took me back to when we lived in a German village - our house backed onto a small farmer's field. Each morning and each evening there was a 'cow parade' up the street to the field. Our then-tiny son and I would watch over the fence - a highlight of his day!

  10. I certainly like what you are seeing and I'm so delighted you are doing this series. It's fun to follow your world!

  11. Oops, sorry I missed this lovely post - I love seeing friends going about their everyday lives - especially when they live in other countries where the daily routine is often different. Oh to join you at the boulangerie for a perfect baguette or croissant - then sit in a little cafe/restaurant eating something truly French and freshly prepared - I'm still hoping to do it before you actually up sticks perhaps!!!!

    Mary x


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!