Friday, 26 April 2013

Pink Blossom

This week we saw warmer weather returning to Normandy and with it came our summer resident house martins who have been busy fluffing last year's nests in the rafters over the garage.
They fly so fast overhead it is impossible to be sure just how many have returned this year from Africa but I think there's at least three nesting pairs making their home with us, once again.

google image
The sunshine also brought out the beautiful blossom on our fruit trees.

The espaliered apple trees are looking particularly beautiful this year.

The ornamental cherry tree which is now almost as high as the house roof is a mass of vibrant pink blossom.

I love to look at it through my bedroom window as a sip my first cup of tea of the day.

Wishing you a beautiful start to the weekend, too.
Sharing the pink with Beverly @ How Sweet The Sound
Pink Saturday
The Tablescaper for
Seasonal Sunday #149


  1. I can imagine how lovely that must be every morning - blue sky, pink blossoms and that first sip of tea. It sounds blissful.

  2. Beautiful, Maggie. I'm so glad to see all the birds and blooms in Normandy. Enno is home in Holland today and I hope he finds them there, too. xo Jenny

  3. Oh, so many pretty blooms! I would say spring is in full swing there in Normandy! :)


  4. Your pink blossoms are lovely. Ours won't be ready for awhile -- everything is late this year. But soon!

  5. Maggie, spring is a magical season. I'm relishing every minute of the season here, for we all know what a TX summer has in store. '-)
    I can just imagine you lingering with your cup of tea and gazing out to this pretty sight.
    Enjoy the weekend........Sarah

  6. There's something about pear tree this year. Mine is beatiful too, but maybe I'm biased!!! I'm glad I found your blog.

  7. Spring is finally here! Yay!

  8. So beautiful, Maggie. Just imagine the long distances those little birds flew from Africa just so they could frolic in your garden.
    Such blissful days of blue skies and lovely blossoms.

  9. Beautiful images. Enjoy!

    Great to have at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  10. Maggie, how exciting to see the House Martins return to nest and raise their young - the wonderful cycle of life.
    We've just finished watching a marvellous BBC documentary series "Earth Flight" about birds migrating - some fly 5000 miles and more. It is well worth watching - you can bring it up on youtube as well!
    How lovely to see the brocantes starting again. I'm coming to France again in June/July and I'm looking forward to visiting some too.
    Shane ♥

  11. So lovely - birds and blossoms, the making of the perfect garden!

    Mary X

  12. Love the cute swallows and the beautiful flowers. Lovely post!


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