Sunday, 21 April 2013

Sunday walk and other delights

The Normandy countryside is awakening to spring, at last, and I decided earlier in the week that it was safe to start sowing some veggie seeds in propagators ready to plant out into the potager in a couple of months time.
Whilst we were in UK last month I went overboard at the garden centre and stocked up on many different varieties of salads, tomatoes and courgettes but when I went looking for said seed packets they were nowhere to be found. After three days of fruitless searching the SP finally found them hidden in plain sight in one of the storerooms outside, how I'd missed seeing the bright green plastic bag that they were in I have no idea, but hey! I was sooooooooo glad they'd finally been found.

I took these shots whilst on our walk today.

Jacques new lambs


wild purple orchids, can you see their spotted foliage

stream bank full of primroses
It's not just the countryside that's waking up, the Brocante season began this weekend, vendors selling all types of second hand, vintage and antiques items filled the St Clair car parks with their stalls.

this young man looks cold and bored!

assorted bric a brac

anyone lost a wheel off their wagon?

there's always a piece of Vallauris pottery on one of the stalls!
We slowly walked around looking at pottery (I'm always hopeful that one day I'll find a rare piece of Quimper) but I only came away with this book.

A Grammaire Anglaise dating from 1907 which cost the princely sum of one euro!

Leafing through it's water stained pages I think it will be a useful addition to my book shelf that's if I don't scrap it for an altered book project!

bon dimanche............


  1. Hi Maggie. I love reading about your Sunday walks, there is always something you can tell us. Yes finally spring and colors here and there. I can see you bought a lot of seeds , now hopefully everything will grow as it should.
    Have a nice week.

  2. As soon as I saw that book I said, "rip it up!" Oh, dear. We are VERY bad! I love the French brocantes and vides greniers -- there's a much better quality of merchandise than there is in the typical yard sale here.

    Your garden will be quite spectacular. Rick's radishes have started to come up outdoors. I'll plant my lettuces today. The seedlings will have to wait a few weeks before we trust the weather to care for them.

    I love that you live near sheep!

  3. I had a feeling you'd find those seeds! Hurray!

    Loved the walk in the countryside with you, the lambs are precious, a sure sign of spring. And the brocantes are interesting, some things might seem more appealing to my American eye than yours! We all love things from far off places. I still have the cute but empty jar from the apple chutney you sent me! :)


  4. Isn't it frustrating when you can't find something that you KNOW you had? I'm glad the seeds turned up.

    What a great walk - through a brocante. The book is a lovely find. I'd likely be removing pages of it for projects, too.

    Jacques' sheep are adorable.

  5. I love to see what is going on in Normandy. The orchids are beautiful. I've never seen them growing in the wild. What fun to go to the sale in the market place. xo Jenny

  6. Hi Maggie-- your spring days are beautiful there--- I love the lambs! It's so exciting to be a part of SPRING! I've just returned from my first flea market of the season too-- makes my heart beat faster!! Love your vintage book:)

    The search for Quimper--- sigh--(I love my little treasure!!)


  7. It seems like spring days are not too far off for us now but I do enjoy seeing the spring greens in your part of the world. i would love looking around at the stalls to see the treasures that were for sale. I noticed today one of our coffee shops seems to have turned into an antique store. I will have to investigate very soon. Glad you found your seeds Maggie!

  8. It's a good thing that the SP is such a sleuth! I look forward to watching the progress of your potager.
    How I'd love to ramble through a vide grenier. There's a swap meet at the race track, but somehow it just doesn't hold the same attraction!


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!