It's the start of the week so it must be time for Metamorphosis Monday hosted once again by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch.

here to see all the great ideas & projects that others have been working on.
All summer long I have been participating in the "92 days of summer" scrapbooking competition being hosted by Cat & the DT over at Your Memories by Design.
here to see more.
They had the great idea that we should take a photograph every day and then each week produce a layout, of either one or two pages, using 7 photographs that best represent the week we just had.
The competition runs for 13 weeks in all.
So my very first contribution to MM is a scrapbook page layout "before and after".
This is the collection of items that I thought I might use for my week 10 page.

This was a trial run of how to arrange the photos. My theme was "signs".
I had been around and about that week taking pix of signs that I found quirky and interesting.

A restaurant where we had lunch one day, the local bar/tabac/convenience store, a seller of lobster & crabs, the wine sellers, a street name & a tourist route road side sign.
The finished LO includes photo #7, I decided upon a rusty old "Stop" sign but photographed from the back to make it more interesting.
Follow this link to see my page on the YMBD here
Happy Metamorphis Monday everyone!!