The last but one Monday before the holidays begin means I'm sharing my tree mosaics with everyone participating in Mosaic Monday over at Mary's
little red house. I'm always amazed at the marvellous diversity of mosaics which one can see there, so do give yourself a treat and visit Mary today.
It might be the busiest time of the year but one seasonal ritual cannot be forgone and that is decorating the Christmas Tree.
We always have two trees, one in the sitting room and a larger one in the library. For many years I withstood the cajoling from my DH to have "fake" trees but finally surrended gracefully one or two years back, and have to say I haven't regretted the decision.
So much less mess in January.
One afternoon last week I assembled my boxes in the library, popped A Wonderful Life into the DVD player, brewed a pot of tea and submerged myself in the joy of it all.
I'll show you the silver and white decorated, sitting room, tree on Wednesday.

In 1840 Prince Albert put up a Christmas tree (a German custom) at Windsor Castle. This soon became very fashionable in England.
Oh! Christmas Tree click
here for words and music.
"If you wish to make the holly look snow-laden, moisten it with weak gum, or starch water, and then sprinkle with flour from a dredger"How to Decorate the House at Christmas Time, from (Victorian)
Cassell's Family Magazine.
Before you go .......................I want to tell you about one of my favourite blogs, Jane's
"Blondie's Journals". For a wonderful Christmas Tree tale click
here, it's magic! Even Scrooge wouldn't say "Humbug".