A couple of days ago I came across a recipe for a lemon curd & blueberry loaf cake.
Well, I can't find blueberrys here at the moment and I used all my Crazy Jack organic blueberries making muffins last week.
But what really bugged me was that I didn't have any lemon curd either..............you're beginning to think I've gone mad aren't you?
But, I did have lemons and so I made some lemon curd in my slow cooker.
The easiest thing I've made in a very long time.
I'm linking to
Dining with Debbie's Crockpot Wednesday with this simple recipe, but I'll probably get thrown out as it's so easy to make!
My recipe:
4 oz butter (100g), 4 large brown eggs, (only kidding they can be white!) lightly beaten, finely grated rind and juice of 4 lemons, 1lb (450g/2 cups) fine caster sugar.
Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the lemon rind & juice, then the sugar. Heat gently stirring constantly until the sugar has all dissolved. Allow to cool.
Stir the lightly beaten eggs into the cooled mixture and pass through a sieve into a 2 pint (1.2 litre/5 cup) pudding basin or souffle dish.
Cover securely with aluminium foil and place in the slow cooker.
Pour round enough water to come halfway up the side of the basin.
Cover and cook on low for between 3 - 4 hours, depends on your slow cooker, until thick.
Uncover & remove the foil after about 3 hours and take a peek, I find a quick mix with a hand whisk helps everything to combine and thicken, then cook for another hour.
Pour straight away into sterilised jars, fills about 3 depending on size, cool & seal.
Stored in the fridge it will last about 3 weeks, if you're not greedy.
Wikipedia has this to say about Fruit curds..............
Fruit curd is a dessert spread and topping usually made with lemon, orange or raspberry. The basic ingredients are beaten egg yolks, sugar, fruit juice and zest which are gently cooked together until thick and then allowed to cool, forming a soft, smooth, intensely-flavored spread. Some recipes also include egg whites and/or butter.
In late 19th and early 20th century England, home-made lemon curd (also known in the UK as lemon cheese) was traditionally served with bread or scones at afternoon tea as an alternative to jam, and as a filling for cakes, small pastries and tarts. Homemade lemon curd was usually made in relatively small amounts as it did not keep as well as jam. In more modern times larger quantities are feasible because of the use of refrigeration.
Lemon curd is still a popular spread for bread, scones, toast or muffins. It can also be used as a flavoring for desserts or yogurt. Lemon-meringue pie, made with lemon curd and topped with meringue, has been a favorite dessert in Britain and the United States since the nineteenth century.
Curds are different from pie fillings or custards in that they contain a higher proportion of juice and zest, which gives them a more intense flavor. Also, curds containing butter have a smoother and creamier texture than both pie fillings and custards; both contain little or no butter and use cornstarch or flour for thickening. Additionally, unlike custards, curds are not usually eaten on their own.