Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Baby, it's cold out there.

For Outdoor Wednesday today, graciously hosted as always by Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer, a snowy landscape mosaic featuring Mr Ben the Snowman and another of my white Christmas tree.

The snow mosaic photo's were taken in 2004 and 2005 when we had snow for Christmas and in the New Year.

I don't think we'll be having a white Christmas this year, although a glimpse out of the bedroom window early this morning revealed fields covered in a very thick frost.

On Monday I showed you the tree in our library, which I enjoyed decorating very much, the next day I couldn't wait to try out my ideas for the smaller tree in the sitting room.

I decided on a white with silver accents theme and used large white silk poinsettias, white and silver baubles, clear glass stars, silver gift boxes, stars and beads.

Pride of place went to the white heart with pearl accents that Joyce (stepmum) gave us for our 30th Wedding Anniversary.

Voilà !

Mr Ben, who is never far away from me, sat patiently nearby ready to give his opinion on the finished ensemble.

Jackie @ Jackie's Personal Blog took up my book recommendation recently and has just finished "A Redbird Christmas". She blogged about it here.

I wonder if anyone else did? I would love to know what you thought of it, if you did.


  1. Beautiful scenery, the snow looks similar to us! Very lovely, thanks for sharing with us! Cindy

  2. Love the snow -- unfortunately winter on the prairie is usually brown -- we don't have much snow and what does fall is usually January or early February!

    Like your white tree as well!

  3. Beautiful....tho I'd prefer seeing snow from photos only. Poor doggie...

    My Wednesday post this week, is "Sleigh bells ring---snow is glistening". Come by and view my snow village if you can find time.

  4. Hi Maggie!
    I loved Redbird Christmas - just a beautiful story.

    Your mosaics are wonderful - Ben does not look all that happy, though.

    The silver and white tree is exquisite.


  5. Maggie,
    Everything is so beautiful! Mr. Ben is adorable and looks like quite the helper! We are supposed to have some snow by Christmas...too soon to really say. Enjoy these fun days leading up to the holiday.

  6. Pretty photos...and Ben is so cute...Merry Christmas!!!

  7. LOve the snow and the tree pictures. It was said there was going to be snow here today but I am not keen at it as long as people need to go to work and the roads are not clean enough.

  8. Brrrrrr, but it IS lovely, sweetpea!

  9. So beautiful!!! So happy you stopped by so I could come visit you. De-Lovely! **blows merry kisses** Deb

  10. Another gorgeous tree - I'll have to think about two for next year.
    I finished A Redbird Christmas last night. I have to admit that I had tears in my eyes at the end, at the snow scene. It was a lovely read and I thank you for it. I won't say too much more, as I intend to blog a little about it too.

  11. Gorgeous photographs, and I love your little tree! :)
    Have a beautiful day,

  12. We have already had some some this year and I am sure we will get some more. YOur pictures are so pretty. And I love 'Mr. Ben'. He is so handsome:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  13. Your trees are both charming. We will not have a White Christmas here, either. We rarely do. But I find the snow so pretty when it does come.

    I have Redbird Christmas on my list to read....


  14. Your pearl white tree is so pretty. And your pictures of previous years Christmas snow are just lovely!!

  15. Your dog looks like a snow ball himself in that older photo. I love how snow looks and your photo collage is lovely however I hate to shovel the snow and drive in it. Last year it was so warm on HH island for Christmas we all took walks in shorts and tees and spent most of the week on the beach playing with the babies. Hopefully we will be there for New Years.

  16. Mr Ben looks happier inside than outside! Your house is lovely, and the decorations make me happy to see. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  17. We had so much snow last year it was crazy. We don't expect much this year. We rarely have a white Christmas.
    You make it look so beautiful and appealing but the reality of it here is still fresh in my mind. Lol.
    Ben is a sweetheart isn't he.

  18. The snow looks beautiful but ya'll can keep it. Your decorations are quite lovely and welcoming. Love the doggie Santa, sweet!

    Ya'll have a wonderful day filled with many blessings!!!

  19. WOW ... what a Winter Wonderland you had back then! Mr. Ben looks cozy and warmer this year indoors. I enjoyed seeing all your lovely photos here. Thanks for sharing ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    My Outdoor Wednesday

  20. Well it's a good thing I wasn't drinking coffee when I saw the picture of your spaniel covered in snow balls! My tricolor Cavaliers used to come in looking exactly the same! ARen't those snow balls a pain? I'd sometimes just toss them in a crate, and wait for the big melt. You can't pull them out, it hurts the poor dog! Hair dryers work, but aren't always handy. Oh wow, you brought back memories!

    And beautiful snow pictures too!

  21. Beautiful snow. And what a cute pup!

  22. awesome... blesssings.. hope to "see " you soon again


  23. Maggie, the snow photos are fabulous. Love your little white tree, and the heart ornament is indeed special. Thanks for sharing your trees. I'm going to get myself a copy of A Redbird Christmas. Hugs ~ Sarah

  24. Maggie, what a beautiful mosaic, as well as your decorations in your home. The scene out the window looks serene, like what I think of Normandy. Mr. Ben looks perfectly happy with it all. Who could blame him?

  25. Beautiful pictures, beautiful snow and the dog is so cute!!!....Christine

  26. Mr. Ben is adorable! Love the snow on those long ears. :-) What a sweetie pie!


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!