Monday, 25 June 2012

photo du jour - is anyone missing a camel?

When the travelling circus came to a nearby village recently
 they put the horses & ponies, a camel and a dromedary out to graze on the local football pitch!
Not an everyday sight in Normandie.


  1. I'd guess not! It would be on the front of the newspaper over here.....and I'd be snapping photos too!

  2. Great post title, Maggie! It brought me running right over.

    Hey, wait a minute - - - our camel IS missing.

    Of course, we never had him to begin with so he's ALWAYS been missing.

  3. So that is where she is! My camel runs away all the time.

  4. Oh, those camels! They run off at the slightest opportunity. I'll be right over!

  5. What a hoot!! Not an everyday sight is it?

  6. Glad you could make a photo Maggie. That is so funny.

  7. Amusing! I think we saw a similar sight when we were in Contres.

  8. That is too funny. I did a double take. When something unusual is in the path of the normal we take notice. xo Jenny

  9. I should think not! What fun to discover this humped creature!


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!