Tuesday, 6 August 2013

2013 SPSH - a substitution - just for fun

Item # 11 on the 2013 SPSH includes zoos & aquariums, I'm not a fan of either so decided to go with one of the substitution items instead.

A person wearing an outfit (or item of clothing) that symbolizes your country.

spotted this mannequin wearing a representation of the Normandie costume
in a local brocante


Joining Suzanne @  the Colorado Lady
for Vintage Thingie Thursday


  1. Nice substitution! I love to see the costumes of different countries or areas. I'm enjoying your participation in this meme.

  2. I love your substitution! It's wonderful! And I love how much fun you are having with this!

  3. One reason I enjoy blogging, I learn so much from all the others. Enjoyed my visit with you.


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!