Saturday, 25 April 2015

cherry blossom time

This week despite cooler temperatures
 (or maybe even because of ?) 
our ornamental cherry tree has blossomed into magnificent glory.

I spent some time earlier today arranging some branches into various vases.

Then even more time photographing the delicate pale pink flowers.

another hour or so playing with the images on picmonkey

before finally creating some mosaics using picasa, picmonkey and photoscape.

Linking to
Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday
 Judith @ Lavender Cottage for Mosaic Monday.

bon weekend!


  1. Oh Maggie, I love Cherry Blossoms and your photograph of them is stunning! Enjoy playing with Picmonkey!

    Happy Saturday~


  2. Glorious, Maggie. I love both the originals and the manipulated photos. Wonderful!

  3. Cherry tree blossoms are the prettiest things. You've captured them well and played with them well. I've never thought of cutting some for the house - next year! Bon weekend!

  4. Hi Maggie.Your cherry blossoms are so beautiful and I love your photo's. I also do have that cup and saucer in your collage. We all did have them all those years ago and I still treasure all of the different ones too.
    Have a nice Sunday

  5. Fab pictures...lovely image manipulation too. Just as well you captured them for eternity..they don't last long in real life do they?

  6. Maggie, they are stunning. Glad you cut some to enjoy inside. Beautiful photos!

  7. Love the pink blossoms. Here I had a flowering alomnd much like your cherry, so beautiful. It winter killed. I won't be replacing it either. Gorgeous photos. Don't you love making pretty mosaics? Have a fine week.

  8. Maggie-- the cherry blossom photos are so lovely. The pink blooms are beautiful and to me they mean that the most beautiful part of spring has arrived.

    I hope all is well and send you much love:)

  9. What prettiness in your charming cherry blossoms, Maggie! Here on the island, we've had pear and almond equivalents, and they were exquisite, too.

    Have a wonderful week!


  10. Your images are lovely, and your creative touches as well. We were away when our cherry blossoms bloomed and missed the whole "show" (they line our street.) So it was nice to see yours!

  11. The cherry blossoms are gorgeous, Lovely arrangements and images! Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  12. I love the pink many beautiful pictures of them.

  13. Cherry blossoms are so pretty with their double petal form compared to my single crab apple flowers.
    I saw the RA Lavender Rose teacup in the first collage, the colours in it tie in very nicely. I only have the teapot by choice and use it when company comes for tea. :-)
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Maggie.

  14. Isn't this a lovely time of the year? I wish blooms on trees would last all summer--but then we would have their wonderful fruit!

  15. Hi Maggie,
    I am so pleased to meet you. Your cherry blossoms are just gorgeous - they really are beautiful! I love your collage of pink blossoms and I can see a pretty Lavender Rose teacup there. Thank you for making me happy today! Karen

  16. Hi Maggie,
    I am so pleased to meet you. Your cherry blossoms are just gorgeous - they really are beautiful! I love your collage of pink blossoms and I can see a pretty Lavender Rose teacup there. Thank you for making me happy today! Karen

  17. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs with us. These images take me back to the street where I grew up...and remind me of the ornamental trees that lined our street. Have a lovely week !


Thanks for stopping by, your visit just made my day!