Sunday, 12 August 2018

Mosaic Monday # 96 - life lately

Two weeks ago the temperature in Normandy reached a blistering 30*C (98*F) making it the hottest summer that we've experienced here since we arrived in 1996.
The lawns are scorched and my hydrangeas wilt a little bit more every day.
Although I've not read anything regarding a hosepipe ban in Calvados this year there was one in place in 2017, my garden pot plants are surviving on waste water from the kitchen sink.
To top it all off M'selle Fleur got a bad case of the "itchy scratchies" a,k,a heat rash.
Usually the Senior Partner would use the hosepipe/shampoo in the garden method to relieve her itches with the foreseeable result of all three of us getting drenched and hot and bothered at the same time.
This year instead we called upon the services of the Mobile Toilettage lady.

M'selle F was not best pleased but it was far less stressful for us. Unfortunately the itchiness doesn't seem any better but she sure smells nice!
Yesterday I took this photo of the cows in the field next door, looks like summer just might be over now.
You may have noticed that after 2 years I've tweaked Mosaic Monday's opening hours to fit better with my schedule and hopefully yours too.
We're open now from Sunday 11.00 a.m. to Monday 11.00 p.m. French time.


  1. I feel bad for M'selle Fleur. No fun to be hot, have the itchies and have to have a bath!!!!!!!!! I bet smelling good is not on M'selle Fleur's list of top ten things. Ha! Stay cool. Hope you get some rain. Fall always seems to arrive!!!! Thanks for hosting.

  2. Hi Maggie! Oh, the hot weather is hard to take. I hope your boy is better soon. Those traveling dog wash trailers are brilliant.

  3. Still hot hot summer in these parts ...and very much too dry. Those mobile groomers are great... our Colorado family has an elderly dog and use those services ... they even have a Veternarian who comes to their house; travel would be highly stressfully. I really like your time very well for me and will still be good when we are in Florida and a different time zone! Thank you .

  4. It has also been overly warm here in many parts of the US this summer, Colorado had the most days over 90 degrees. I am looking forward to autumn.
    My neighbor uses a mobile dog washer like your, Maggie. It's a wonderful convenience. I hope M'Selle Fleur's itches will go away soon, poor girl.

  5. Good Monday, Its always summer here being a tropical climate. but there are days that are scorching hot and some dry seasons of drought.
    Happy Mosaic Monday to all

    much love...

  6. Wow! You wouldn't think of temps that high there! We've had a mild summer here in Florida so far. We've seen 93 but only a couple of times. It's mostly been in the high 80s. Of course it doesn't cool off much at night and the humidity is HIGH! Thanks for the party today. I have a little surprise link in my post...something about YOU! Hugs, Diane

  7. Poor Fleur, I hope the itch clears soon. Summer can be an itchy time for dogs. Our dogs always have problems with harvest mites and medication never really seems to help.
    Happy Mosaic Monday Maggie!

  8. Climate patterns are disrupted all over the world, Maggie. We are having a very mild Winter and an early Spring, with fewer rains than usual. I can only imagine how bad things will get climate-wise in the future...
    Glad to see your dog getting some relief through the efforts of a professional!

  9. my goodness it has been hot in the northern hemisphere this summer Maggie. Whilst here has been a cold wet winter, in Western Australia at least, but dry on the eastern side. I hope you find relief soon. I hope I can keep up with the new blogging times! I don't suppose you could close it on Tuesday? Stay cool and have a great week.

  10. Thanks for hosting, Maggie, and if the time change for posting works for you, it will work for us. Now I won't have to stay up late on Sunday nights to link up....hahaha.

    I hope little Fleur is feeling better these days. It's been hot for us, too, but not nearly as extreme as other places. Now we have smoke haze which takes the temperature down a little bit, but is harmful in other ways. Our planet is very broken.

    The caption of your last photo has that song running through my head now! Have a great week, Maggie.

  11. It's quite distressing to think that these temps might be our new 'normal.' As I look out the window this morning, the sky is smoky from forest fires 90 miles away - yuck. As much as I don't want summer to end, rain and even snow would really help. Yes, the leaves are brown and the sky is grey. I am grateful for MM to raise my spirits!

  12. You are having the hot summer, aren't you? I'd like to think this is abnormal but I'm beginning to wonder. Well, at least you aren't alone. My front yard looks like a hayfield...

  13. Well, shoot! I missed your new deadline. It is still Monday in Virginia. :-(


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