Once we had said farewell to the house sitter I sat down with a cuppa (tea, milk no sugar) to sift through the post (mail) that had accumulated whilst we were gone and discovered a note from the local maire telling me that the children of the village would be arriving in 3 hours for the annual Trick or Treat bonanza.
This usually happens on the Wednesday before Halloween as this is not a school day.
Because we are a tiny hamlet, 94 residents living in 47 houses but quite spread out, the parents accompany the children driving them from house to house.
Quelle horreur!! There was not a stick of candy in the house so we jumped in the car and headed to the local epicerie to raid the shelves.
We made quite a haul but when it came to pay I discovered that I had brought the wrong wallet and had only $$$$ with me. Not a problem, Madame said it was quite alright and that I could settle the bill in a couple of days when I was over my jet lag.
If only I had had a bit more notice I would have made these fabulous Orange Pumpkin Face Cookies or these Spider web chocolate fudge muffins for our visitors.
